Creativity, Activity, Service.
Three seemingly unkindred nouns at first glance, these are the lexemes which embodies the essence of the IB curriculum, exemplified by the demeanour of a typical IB learner – clairvoyant planning and ingenious problem-solving; commitment in face of challenges; to serve and provide with a heart of gold.
In pursuance of such qualities, the DBS IB section annually sends their fresh Grade 11 cohort into Maekok River Village Resort Outdoor Education Centre in Chiang Rai for their CAS trip, in hopes that students would have a meaningful takeaway from the week of adventure, brotherhood and fun.
Taking place between the 3rd and 10th of December, the DBS IB cohort of 2018 has ventured across the heights of the Chiang Rai mountain range to the depths of river Kok; led by a collective effort of our IB teachers and local instructors of whom we completely entrust:
IB Teachers: Mr. Charles Wu, Dr. Milton Lo , Dr. Gaby McDonald, Mr. Mark Chan , Ms. Julice Yeung , Ms. Vivian Chan
Thailand Instructors: Mr. Austin, Q, Dan, Ton, Whin, Ayla, etc
As this is trip revolves around the notion of CAS, reflections is naturally something one would have written. Below are a few selected student reflections of their trip, with a student representative writing for each component of CAS. Let’s take a look on what values and memorable moments have they acquired from this experience. Much preparation was needed before setting off, as the goal of the trip was serve the local Chang Rai community besides having fun. Our measures include fundraising and preparing goods to be donated, on top of packing for the trip.
Airport HKG > Chiang Rai > ground transport to Maekok River Village Resort
Community project (manual labor / teaching English)
Hill‐tribe village walk (AM); Mountain biking (PM)
Market visit and Thai cooking (AM) > Kayaking on Maekok River (PM)
Full‐day hike in national park
Community project
High Ropes and confidence course (AM) > Climbing and archery (PM)
Team challenges > Chiang Mai airport > HKG
To conclude, the CAS trip was a fruitful chapter of our IB story. Throughout an eventful week in rural Northern Thailand, time flew like a blink of an eye and we have experienced just so much. Taking a brief trip down memory lane, we broadened our horizons by having submerging ourselves into Thai culture and customs, learnt new skills such as cooking and kayaking, and tested our confidence to the limit through the confidence course and the treacherous Fang Hike. We also contributed back to the local community by teaching underprivileged students in the region. All tasks on the trip had one thing in common: they required a huge amount of teamwork and cooperation. Without the help of our brothers, we wouldn’t be able to survive such an intensive expedition, let alone complete all the challenges involving creativity, action and service in flying colours. It was a super job indeed. When we left the Maekok River Village Resort, some of us became teary-eyed for parting with our wonderful instructors. However, we felt that this was not the end. It is only the beginning. We have grown from timid teenagers into mature men within eight days. Most importantly, we have fostered our brotherhood. The trip has turned us from individuals who happen to study together into teammates and good friends for life. In the days to come, life is going to be extremely hectic with the final examination and university applications looming in, but so long as we maintain this close relationship and apply the things we have gained during this CAS trip, the IB will definitely be a thrilling and unforgettable journey.